As an ornamental fiber artist/poetess and art-to-wear patron (indulging the imaGINAtion of self/poetic stride), open your mind to my drum beats and heart-dictates to a BIRTH of my own language: "Let hands locked in verse speak fluently"
Sept 19, 2005 will be my one year anniversary with "Off the Hook/Awe!Some Crochet Blog" and these are selections of oriGINA-l designs/photos I have created (or at least brought forth to your attention, birthed) throughout the life (Breathing on its own) of this journal. What a fun, silly, loop-y journey this has been--met wonderful encouraging & supportive people out there in blog-blog land, recognition and respect for my own little voice spoken in the rhythm of pause and play--dance and sing on Fingers.
"Just in Case you Missed It!"
Fruits of musing designs
respond & response
answering in crochet....